You Shouldn't Feed Palms Before/During Winter
People mistakenly approach Winter fertilizing as the "it's all the same plant care" theory based on the reasoning of that some plants can promote (flush) tender growth with feeding in cold which could be burned by Winter weather on those plants.
While this may be true in some plants, vegetables, and flowers it is certainly false with Palm Trees.
This Winter fertilizing phobia does not apply to Palm Trees and especially not when feeding Palm Trees with a fertilizer designed for year-round use, like PERFECT PALM® FERTILIZER.
FACT: Palm Trees will generally only "flush" or produce new growth of spears and fronds during growing seasons and warm temperatures. Feeding Palms year-round keeps the Palm Trees nutrients more balanced and readily available when needed.
After a Freeze, You Shouldn't Feed Palms Until Spring
People think that fertilizing a severely damaged Palm immediately after freeze damage, will miraculously promote an abundance of new tender growth in an already struggling Palm. The concern is the same as before that any new growth may become burned by future chances of cold weather on your Palms.
This Winter Freeze Damage fertilizing phobia does not apply to Palm Trees and especially not when feeding Palm Trees with a fertilizer designed for year-round use, like PERFECT PALM® FERTILIZER.
FACT: Traumatized and Freeze damaged Palm Trees need urgent care and vital supplements immediately after injury just as people do. The continuous balance of fertilizer nutrients will start helping freeze damaged Palm Trees recover from freeze damage immediately and begin to rebuild the necessary health of the Palm Tree. Once the weather begins to warm up, the Palm Tree will have these essential nutrients available inside the Palm and ready to use at the time when needed for growth to emerge. Incorrectly, If you wait for new growth in Spring to show up and then begin trying to deliver the Palms nutrients after they have began growing you are now months behind. The new growth should already be coming out full of nutrients, not after.
It's really common sense, If a person or animal is injured or sick you need to get them help and special care to start recovery. The same immediate response should be performed for Palm Trees after a freeze, even in Winter.
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